Get Involved & Take Action~ How You Can Make a Difference
Share your thoughts on the future of marine management in Hawaii... |
Join a movement
Volunteer with
Did you observe brown water? Send pictures and videos to [email protected]
Get smart about stormwater
![]() The County of Maui works in many ways to protect storm water and receiving waters from pollutants that could negatively impact receiving water quality. The County’s goal is to work with community individuals, businesses, large landowners, and State and Federal agencies to foster joint responsibility and positive action to protect our precious surface water resources.
UH Sea Grant's Green Infrastructure Resource Guide |
Click here to learn how to dispose of your pool water without harming the ocean!
Excellent guide for how to create low impact design features to treat stormwater.
Build a rain garden
Hui o Ko1olaupoko, a community based non-profit on Oahu developed Hawaii's first rain garden manual and has great rain garden examples and resources available on line. |
Download the Rain Garden App! "Rain Garden" is a FREE app designed to help you properly install a rain garden at your home, office, or job site.
Six minute PBS video documenting a movement in Seattle to install 12,000 rain gardens. |
Take action in your yard
Volunteer with R2R Partners
Kipuka Olowalu
Weekly Volunteer Days:
Wednesday & Thursday, 7:30AM-11:30AM Sign up on the website |
Maui Cultural Lands is a Maui-based grassroots land trust organization whose mission is to stabilize, protect, and restore Hawaiian cultural resources.
Join them for a Saturday morning volunteer trip into Honokōwai Valley. Call (808) 276-5593 or email [email protected] |